EB-1A“杰出专业人才”主要指的是那些在科学、艺术、教育、商业、或体育五大领域中取得很高成就,享有国家或国际级的声誉,并且其贡献在该领域得到广泛认可的杰出专业人才。这些人应是被认为是该领域中出类拔萃的顶尖人物 。同时,申请人在获得杰出人才绿卡后,将在美国继续从事其领域内的工作,并且其工作会对美国社会的相关发展,带来极大利益。EB1A申请的一大优势就是不需要雇主,不需要提供就业证明(No offer of employment required),也不需要永久性工作的承诺,申请人也可以自己申请移民。
- Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence
- Evidence of your membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members
- Evidence of published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media
- Evidence that you have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel
- Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field
- Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media
- Evidence that your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases
- Evidence of your performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations
- Evidence that you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field
- Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts
EB-1A 律师
Green Card Legal 是一家总部位于曼哈顿中城的律师事务所,与传统律所不同,Green Card Legal更专注于华人群体的移民申请,并通过大量和美国移民局互动的实际操作案例和数据模型分析预测了申请的难点和趋势。Green Card Legal的很多客户都来自中小规模公司,律师针对他们的不同职位、专业和公司情况定制个性化申请方案,最大化提升了EB-1A申请通过率。
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Email: hello@greencardlegal.com