试想一下,2014年4月的时候,一个菲律宾护士萌发美国移民的念头,看到排期,想想从准备考试到拿到移民签证,要8、9年,她是坚持学习、考试,还是犹豫再犹豫呢。事实上,所有想移民美国的菲律宾护士,在遇到美国排期倒退,等待时间长的问题,都不会放弃去美国工作生活的梦想。因为她们知道,只要雅思过了,RN 考过了,就一定能全家移民美国,而且是免费全家移民美国。她们的身边有太多的成功案例,有太多的美国护士公司,在鼓励她们继续保持良好的语言和临床工作状态,只要排期到了,她们就一定能成功移民美国,到美国去工作。
- QIAO通过雅思考试,A类,平均7分,口语7分。已经开始移民申请。
- YUAN取得纽约护士局批准,正在准备NCLEX-RN考试。
- QI取得纽约护士局批准,正在准备NCLEX-RN老师。
英国IFG和西玛顾问合作多年,其前身ALBION COLLEGE是英国知名大学预科学校,近年来致力于英国大学本科和硕士预科课程,在伦敦、约克、阿联酋、巴塞罗那和马耳他都开设了分校。雅思7分甚至更高是外国学生申请英国排名靠前大学的硬性要求,所以多年来IFG也在雅思培训方面下了不少功夫,总结出了一套行之有效的学习培训方法,也培养了一批有经验和有办法的雅思培训老师。
雅思在线一对一培训的首席教师是DR.BRUCE DUNCAN。
Lead tutor – Dr. Bruce Duncan
Bruce is an Emeritus Professor and has vast experience as a teacher and lecturer in English and business related topics. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants and also of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.
His recent appointments include Director of Studies at Albion College in London and lecturer at the French university, INSEEC. In addition to his full time posts, he also participates in management seminars throughout the world. Over the last couple of years, he has lectured in London, Lausanne, Dubai, Abuja, Accra, and Belize and is also a prolific writer of academic papers. His dynamic style of teaching and depth of knowledge make him a vital member of the IFG team.
Here’s a testimonial about Bruce from Atalanta Lu in Nanjing:
“Mr. Bruce is absolutely the best teacher I have ever met, not just because he always encourages me, but also because he helps me find where my problems lie and teaches me how solve them effectively. That is very different from the teacher that I had before.”
Lillian has been teaching English for many years and is a subject specialist in tutoring English as a foreign language, delivering GCSE English and preparing international students for IELTS.
She combines her teaching expertise and language study methods to deliver inspiring, engaging and effective lessons. Her enthusiasm towards learning and success are evident in students’ achievements and progression paths.
Lillian extends her commitment to promoting the English language and literature in her role as a poetry ambassador, which has seen her perform poetry recitals in London.
Milena Araya
Milena has been teaching English for over 15 years and has an MA from King’s College, University of London in Applied Linguistics. She has taught for a number of colleges including Oxford International, St. George’s International School and Abbey College in London.
She is an outstanding teacher in all areas of English language teaching, and her well-structured and thoroughly planned lessons make her an ideal tutor for IELTS tuition.
Milena has taught many of our students on a one-to-one basis both in the classroom and online, and the feedback received has always been enthusiastic and positive.
1. 报名电话/微信:13311315399,Michael
2. 首次缴费需缴纳10节课的学费,再次缴费根据老师评估结果,比如评估还需要5节课能过口语7就再交5节课的学费。学员通过雅思考试取得6.5口语7,如果还有学费结余,结余部分可以退还。
3. 正常上课是每周一次,报名后,根据学员和老师的时间安排,制定每周授课时间,通常是北京时间下午4点以后到凌晨。考前可以临时增加课时,由Michael根据老师时间安排。
4. 老师通过SKYPE视频授课,每次授课老师都会给学员布置作业,平时老师也会通过EMAIL跟学员保持沟通和批改作业。
5. 西玛顾问签约移民客户享受学费85折优惠,希望在我们的共同努力下,所有西玛顾问签约客户都能尽早通过雅思考试,开启美国移民之路。